Hello Fellow Monero Miners,
We have updated our Monero Browser Miner with some new features. Check out this list below to see what was updated.
Note: If you using the old version of the browser miner you will need to refresh your page and re start the miner.
- Interface – The new modern interface is more streamlined and organized to find what you need.
- Worker ID’s – The ability to add worker ids is now possible using the Monero Browser Miner. This is useful if your ruining the miner on multiple computer under one account.
- Throttle – The throttle option allows you to set the fraction of time that threads should be idle. A value of 0 means there is no throttling (%100 CPU power) and a value of 0.5 means it will use 50% of the users CPU power. A value of 0.1 means that it would only use 10% of the users CPU power.

New Miner Interface
As always please let us know how you like the miner and if there is anything you would like to see.
Click here to view the new miner.